15 September 2023
Northern Hospital Epping is fully live with the EMR!
Today marks the last day of Northern Health’s official EMR go live. The last wards to go live at Northern Hospital Epping were Wards 3, 8, 22, and 23. Dialysis at Epping, Broadmeadows and Craigieburn also went live with the EMR today.
Thanks to the EMR super users and clinical transition team, we had a relatively smooth go live in the past two weeks.
Post go live support will continue during hypercare, meaning the EMR team, help desk and super user will be available 24/7 next week. The team will continue monitoring and deploying resources to areas needing extra help.
As we are now fully live with the EMR, the EMR team might be slower in responding to queries. Please continue using Quick Reference Guides and contact your super users if you have questions.